FMCG Industry

  1. FMCG Industry

ARVI Achievers

FMCG Industry

ARVI Service “Leadership Development Program”
Module Basic
Company Indian MNC
Participants Facility Management & Administration Staff who service varied industries and products
Batch Size 20+
Level (Mid To Senior level employees)
Month / Year October 2016 & March 2017
College Location Andheri East

Objective of this Program :

This program was designed by ARVI to help the employee to work in a process driven environment. The training facilitated them to understand the importance of working in a systematic manner. It encouraged the employees to be more adaptable & work in smooth co-ordination with internal and external stakeholders.

Listed below are few questions that were raised by the participants during the workshop :

  • How to achieve high level of customer service?
  • How to bring about efficiency in day to day operations?
  • How to complete task before deadlines?
  • How to manage individual / team priorities?
  • How to improve communication skills?

Feedback Mechanism :

The first batch was completed in the month of October 2016 where soft skill training was imparted. For each session, ARVI’s team had given few exercises to be completed by the participants for practice, learning and retention. In the second session which was held in March 2017, each individual showcased their achievements post training and few areas where they needed guidance and handholding….

Client Testimonial :

Dear Ma’am,

This is in reference to the interactive session conducted by you on 22 nd March 2017 for my office colleagues and support team, I wish to thank you very much once again for the same and express thanks from each one of my team members.  The session was found to be extremely helpful to the team and was appreciated by each one of them.

It is very commendable that there was improvement & motivation seen in each member and that you managed others also to see as learning for them.

Your easy style of delivery and ability to make all participants participate and open up is a great talent of yours.

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours and hope to have more such interesting sessions in future.

Warm Regards,

Corporate Administration